LDAP is a protocol used for modifying and querying TCP/IP directory services. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is used for authentication purposes. Now a days LDAP uses DNS hierarchy structure. Current version of LDAP is LDAPv3 and client uses TCP port 389 for communication with LDAP server. SSL tunnel is used to secure LDAP communication. Common applications of LDAP is user group checkup and address information look up in mail servers.
LDAP Data interchange format (LDIF) is the standard representation of LDAP directory service. Data is represent as plain text. For LDAP API it uses C language API. Following are the common software communicates over Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). They are Apache Directory Studio, Mozilla Thunderbird, LDAP Browser, SLAMD, KAddressBook, Novell Evolution, Mac OS X address book, LDAPAdmin, OpenDS, SIDVault, OneLDAP, etc.
In this posting i wish to provide free Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) ebooks downloads which guide you to learn LDAP applications, LDAP directory services, LDAP security, LDAP implementation, LDAP theory and Management, LDAP servers and applications, LDAP configuration and LDAP operations, etc.
Following are the free LDAP ebooks download links. Visit these links and become an expert in LDAP configuration, operation and implementation.
- Understanding LDAP - Design and Implementation View/Download
- LDAP Howto, LDAP Links, LDAP whitepapers View/Download
- LDAP theory and Management View/Download
- LDAP applications View/Download
- Exploring LDAP View/Download
- A Recipe for Configuring and Operating LDAP Directories View/Download
- Introduction to LDAP View/Download
- Sun LDAP authentication Attributes View/Download