Compiler is a computer program which translates source code written in programming language to object code. This object code is linked by a linker program and finally creates into self executable program. Compiler performs following operations or phases while compiling a source code. They are lexical phase, preprocessing, parsing, semantics analysis, code generation and code optimization. Some compilers target output as very low level language, i.e. pure machine language, but some other compilers give output in assembly language. There are one pass and multi pass compilers.
Examples of compilers are c++ compiler, GCC compiler, Local C Compiler, Open Watson, Sun Studio, Visual Studio, VisualAge, Nwcc, VectorC and Tiny C Compiler, etc. Front end phases in compiler design are line construction, lexical analysis, preprocessing, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, etc. Back end phases in compiler construction are analysis, optimization and code generation.
In this posting i wish to provide you free compiler design / Construction ebooks which guide you to learn compiler design, compiler design phases, parsing techniques, flex, bison and advanced compiler construction, etc.
Following are the free compiler design ebooks links. Visit these links and master in compiler design and construction.
- Compiler Design and Construction View/Download
- Basics of Compiler Design View/Download
- Compiler Design and Implementation View/Download
- The GENTLE Compiler Construction System View/Download
- Compiler Construction View/Download
- Let's Build a Compiler View/Download
- Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide View/Download
- Compilers: Backend to Frontend and back to front again View/Download
- Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation View/Download
- Compilers Lecture Notes View/Download
- Advanced Compiler Design View/Download
- Compilers and Compiler Generators View/Download
- The Design of an Operating System and Compiler View/Download
- Language Transaction using PCCTS and C++ View/Download
- Compiler Construction using Flex and Bison View/Download
- Flex Manual View/Download
- Bison Manual View/Download
- A Compact Guide to Lex and Yacc View/Download
- TrueType Instruction Compiler Tutorial View/Download
- Behavioral Compiler Tutorial View/Download