Graph Theory is the study of graphs. In computer science graph theory applications are widely used. In a graph there are collection of nodes and edges. Edge is directed from one vertix to another. Vertix is not directed. There are lot of problems in graphical enumeration. Few of them are graph coloring problem, route problems, network flow problems and covering problems, etc. Graph theory has lot of application in computer science. They are link structure of websites, analysis, etc. Other frequent graph theory applications are in physics, chemistry and sociology, etc.
Few Graphs in graph theory are bipartite graph, circle graph, complete graph, Directed graph, line graph, mirror graph, random graph, regular graph, sparse graph, visibility graph, planar graph, etc. Various graphs coloring are Chromatic Polynomial, Cocoloring, Complete Coloring, Edge Coloring, Harmonious Coloring, List Coloring, Perfect Graph, Subcoloring, Total Coloring, etc.
In this posting i wish to provide you free graph theory ebooks which guide you to learn what is graph theory, graph theoretic algorithms, graph theory and web map, graph theory with applications, functional programming and parallel graph rewriting, combinator graph reduction, etc.
Following are the free graph theory ebooks downloads links. Visit these links and familiarize with graph theory and its application in this modern era.
- Graph Theory, 3rd Edition View/Download
- Graph Theoretic Algorithms View/Download
- Graph and the Web Map View/Download
- Graph Theory Lessons View/Download
- Graph Theory with Applications View/Download
- Functional Programming and Parallel Graph Rewriting View/Download
- Graph Theory Tutorials View/Download
- An Architecture of Combinator Graph Reduction (TIGRE) View/Download