Artificial neural networks can be said as the computational model of biological neural networks. It is modeled by interconnecting artificial neurons using computer software. Input and output data patterns are recognized by means of this network. This artificial neural networks are based on our human central nervous system. Currently this neural network models are implemented in artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, etc. Network models in AI are mentioned as Artificial neural network models. For implementing an ANN model we need to understand three factors, i.e. choice of model, learning algorithms, robustness, etc.
Artificial neural networks has applications in regression analysis, pattern recognition, decision making system, data processing, etc. Few type of artificial intelligence network models are feedforward neural network, RBF network, Recurrent Network, Hopfield network, Eco state network, Stochastic neural networks, Modular neural networks, Associative neural networks, Neuro fuzzy networks, Dynamic neural networks, etc
In this posting i wish to provide free artificial neural network ebooks which will guide you to lean neural networks with java, C++ neural networks, fuzzy logic networks, neural nets, machine learning, neural and statistical classifications, neural network models, etc.
Following are free artificial neural networks ebooks download links. Visit these links and familiarize with artificial neural networks and its applications.
- Introduction to neural networks with Java View/Download
- C++ Neural networks and Fuzzy logic View/Download
- Neural Nets View/Download
- Machine learning, Neural and Statistical Classification View/Download