Computer vision can be explained as the science of getting information from images and videos. This technology is widely used in artificial intelligence applications. Computer vision systems are built with the help of AI techniques. Examples of Computer vision systems are industrious robots, people counting machines, image organizating systems, medical image analysis machines and computer human interaction machines, etc. Computer vision has great dependency with artifical intelligence, physics, neurobiology, signal processing, statistics, geometry, etc. Computer vision is very much related with image processing, image analysis, robot vision and machine vision, etc.
Computer vision has lot of application in medical field. They are microscopy images, X-ray images, angiography images, ultrasonic images, tomography images. Second application of computer vision is in industry. They are product quality inspection, manufacturing robotic controls, etc. Another computer vision application is in military. They are missile guidance, aerial vehicles, etc
In this posting i wish to provide you free computer vision ebooks downloads. These ebooks will guide you to learn computer vision and image processing, spatial statistics and digital image analysis, machine perception, machine vision and interpretation and intelligent vision systems, etc.
Following are the free computer vision ebooks download links. Go through that and master in computer vision techniques and applications.
- Spatial Augmented Reality Merging Real and Virtual Worlds View/Download
- Active Contours View/Download
- Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry View/Download
- Computer Vision View/Download
- Visual Reconstruction View/Download
- A Companion to Digital Humanities View/Download
- Machine Vision: Automated Visual Inspection and Robot Vision View/Download
- Machine Interpretation of Line Drawing View/Download
- Machine Perception View/Download
- Vision Systems View/Download
- Spatial Statistics and Digital Image Analysis View/Download