Dictionary of Food Compounds. Additives, Flavors, and Ingredients by Shmuel Yannai
Dictionary of Food Compounds. Additives, Flavors, and Ingredients by Shmuel Yannai
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; (October 24, 2003) | ISBN: 1584884169 | Pages: 1784 | PDF | 35.7 MB
The resulting Dictionary of Food Compounds is available both in hard copy and electronically as a CD-ROM product. Each has its own advantages. There is nothing to rival the ease of consulting a book version for quick queries and for browsing to get an overall view of the whole Þeld. On the other hand, the electronic version is searchable by chemical substructure as well as text and, for obvious reasons, is much more easily updated so that the user can get a very rapid summary of new developments in the science. The Dictionary is aimed not only at food scientists and technologists, but at the wide range of people whose work brings them into contact with the regulatory aspects of food supply and monitoring.