Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography (Flexibook): Thomas, M.D. Boehmeke, Ralf, M.D. Doliva
Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography (Flexibook): Thomas, M.D. Boehmeke, Ralf, M.D. Doliva Thieme Medical Publishers | ISBN: 1588904334 | 2005-11-21 | PDF (OCR) | 225 pages | 53.6 Mb
In diagnostic cardiology, the usefulness and effectiveness of state-of-the-art echocardiography is unsurpassed. This handy atlas includes all of the information you need to navigate the numerous imaging planes that transect the heart with ease and confidence.
Key Features:
- More than 400 illustrations, including, sharp, clear echocardiograms, full-color schematic diagrams, and 3-D images.
- Detailed descriptions of all of the acoustic windows and imaging planes for every echocardiogram.
- All major diseases depicted in B-mode, M-mode, Doppler and color Doppler.
- A practical overview of the patient examination, including imaging and patient positioning.
- All cardiac diseases are shown -- valvular heart disease, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathies, prosthetic valves, carditis, septal defects, hypertensive heart diseases, intracardiac masses.
- Hundreds of vivid mnemonic devices and useful tips to help you locate, name, and remember all anatomical structures and features.
Intelligent design:
- Integrated illustrations and succinct text on every page.
- Fits in your pocket for rapid reference and review.
- Durably designed to withstand everyday use.